allnight wrote:

>  this drama that NYC is
> living is something that we brazilians and poor people from all
> arround the world live everyday. we are not killed by airplanes, we r
> killed by political decisions and economical interests.
>  its really sad that the only way they found to show that was by
> killing people.

I can excuse the language, but not the attempt to excuse or explain this
act of pure evil. Indisriminate murder of civilians is inexcusable,
whether it is at the hands of a military force or a terrorist group, for
ANY reason.
Growing up in Belfast, I've lived through a few atrocities and heard all
kinds of disgusting attempts to justify them on one level or another, but
they pale beside what has happened today.
This is indeed a time for reflection, about the evil that humans can
inflict on each other and what we have become...

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