>I'm really frightened at this point in time.  The
>president has
>his intent to retaliate (but without detail),
>according to sources at
>slashdot.org and various news pages, the military is
>on the highest
>(threatcon delta).  I really hope that this is not
>the only solution

beleive me , people that are ready to crash airplans into bullidings are
ready to make even worst things. (maybe this seem to you as worst thing that
could happen, but its not)

maybe its not in best of human behavior to retaliate, but who did this act
can only understand the language of force. situation in world at this point
of time is very unstable, and things that could happen after any american
atempt to retaliate could be unpredictable.
my stand is that america should react on any possible way to show to those
that are ready to fight with america, that its not smart.

that is my stand and it comes from things that happend in my country few
years ago.

but what should you do... bring them to justice. what should be the
punnishement for what happend?

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