this is a message from new york- please, please continue to donate blood
and/or money to the red cross. you cannot imagine what it is like here. and
everyone MUST keep in mind that a military retaliation that involves more
killing is so disgustingly wrong. i walked home from work on tuesday, and i
saw people rushing uptown with masks on, and men crying in the streets.
traffic stopped dead, everyone trying to get out of manhattan. people
stopping in their tracks and looking terrified, up at the sky, when we first
heard the fighter jets that were flying around. as i got closer and closer
to downtown, where i needed to go to try and get home to brooklyn, the
traffic disappeared and the acrid smell of burning increased. i walked
straight southward, with the huge plume of gray and black smoke that blocked
out the sun in my sight, and the tears just falling out of my eyes. as i got
closer to lower manhattan, there were emergency vehicles driving out of the
site that streamed ash and shards of metal behind them as they raced away,
and police everywhere. i joined the huge crowd that was walking over the
manhattan bridge, and i looked over my right shoulder at the black smoke
plumes that rising out amongst the buildings. the smoke rose up, over the
east river, and into brooklyn, and as i continued to walk closer to home,
there were burnt bits of paper and ash falling so lightly onto the street.
no one should have to see their city on fire. 

every day that goes by, i keep hoping for it to go faster and faster because
i think i will feel better the next day. but i don't. i keep thinking what i
would do, what i would sacrifice if i could turn back time a week and have
this never happen, but it makes no difference. new york will never, ever be
the same. the heavy feeling of grief does not dissipate. we cannot escape
from thinking about the death and destruction here. it is constantly in
front of us, so we don't have the luxury to sit back and discuss retaliation
and war. if everyone could witness what has become of this city, they
wouldn't even be considering bringing such horrors upon any other place on

it is encouraging to see support for peace from listmembers all over the
world. please keep it up.


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