a note on the recent dimensional waves transmissions..
laptop cafe on warp is my favourite album from last year,
(alongside funk all y'all ;O)) this is the real detroit
stuff, in a midnight drive style but more chilled. this
album is a must for any 313er imo
transllusion is harder, dark at times, a brilliant album
and, did anyone mention the new japanese telecom album
on gigolo ?
have there ever been more drexciya releases than in 01 ?

At 07:32 14.01.02 -0000, you wrote:
>Neptune's Lair - don't diss man, that's sacred! :o)
>No, I'm kidding. Your entitlement to your own opinion is what's really
>... But what I say and I think many would agree is that the music needs to
>be approached as the god Neptune would. Or the Greek equivalent Dionysius -
>that should be a better clue. (I'm no classicist, would appreciate
>correction if I'm wrong.) Know what I mean? Or else it will sound cold -
>thousands will assure you it isn't. Just think: It was mostly (or sounds
>mostly) like it was made with the (relatively) old technology of FM
>synthesis ... does that strike you as the behaviour of an artist wanting to
>make 'cold'-sounding music?

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