> At this point Carl was playing strictly old house tunes from the
> late 80's for all of his friends that had come out to chat and say hi.  80%
> of the people in there knew all the words to all these songs, most of which
> I'd only heard once or twice before, the rest I'd never even heard.  Really
> cool mixing, really nice crowd.  I'd say that most of the people in the
> place were at or around 30 years old - so  it made for a cool atmosphere.
> We ended up leaving at around one, and the place was still packed, the music
> was still fresh, and the sandwiches were out of this world!  Absolutely
> splendid tasting sandwiches.
> Cheers,
> Dennis

I must be getting old- this sounds like my idea of a great night out (except
going home at 1 AM!!)

Jason Brunton


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