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Last night I experienced a show that really restored my faith in live Techno.
Major props first of all to the Kick Drum crew for putting on a first rate
party with an amazing line up.  Promoting something that has some artistic
ambition is tricky and risky, and I have nothing but praise for the courage
and heart the Kick Drum crew put into the event.

Anyway, I showed up just when Brian Zentz came on, and he played a set that
was banging, funky, and dynamic.  Brian has flawless rock the house fist
pumping DJ instincts and taste as well.  He played (I think) a lot of his
own tracks from CD that were great...

Shawn Rudiman played an old school way live techno set.  As in bring
all the drum machines and synths out, get everything going and sculpt
the set way live.  Musically is was pure Shawn, but the technique was
a lot like the old prototype 909 live sets, and also like  the live to DAT
way that techno used to be produced.  Lots of thick soulful synth work
and great beats, but above all a sense of pure improvisation and discover.

Stewart Walker, I've seen play several times over the past few years, and
he's really worked his live PA into something very technically polished; not
in the sense of being slick, but in the sense of great control over the sound.
In other words, he has mastered his chosen instruments to where he can
really go where he wants to with a set.  Musically he kind of rides the
line between straight up hard minimal techno -- but without grating or being
overly repetetive -- and a really deep  dubby feel -- but without the dub
techno cliches.  Stewart may well be unique among people who make techno
in having played live enough times to really be comfortable in that setting.

I also really appreciate how Stewart makes live it's own animal -- his live
sets are really a completely different thing than his recorded work because
the intention is different.

But all in all I have to say both Shawn and Stewart presented comprehensively
great live sets in a genre not known for having a strong tradition of live
performance.  Both are not-quite-grizzed veterans of 10 years
of a love affair with the music and they really wore that love on their
sleeves. For me personally it felt like one of my peak live experiences,
right up there with Metro Area at the 7th City party last may.

BOOK THESE GUYS -- you won't be disappointed.

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