Finally Detroit will be privy to the dj wizardry and production >prowess that is Sasha and Digweed

god this whole look-how-313-elite-i-can-be contest you all are in is gonna get old REAL quick today. As soon as i saw the announcement of sasha digweed comin to detroit, i just waited for the flood of 313 approval seeking emails to flood in.

and look, here they come.  i'm gettin a life preserver.

Motor is certainly not a perfect club, but i personally feel fucking blessed to have it around. how many other clubs in this area would bring in ben sims? laurent garnier? Dj Krush? dj food? fucking HERBERT? precious magda? kooky? Fuck, how many other clubs in the MIDWEST do that? And damn, motor does it on a consistent basis. *most* other clubs out there bring in major talent on a biweekly or monthly basis; motor does that shit everyweekend.

and now they bring in the sash and digster, and you all wait to pounce on it to declair yourselves the kings and queens of detroit snobbery. Am i happy they're coming in? fuck no i'm not. do i COMPLETELY understand that motor IS a club, and that they do need to make money, and yes they are in it for the money? yes i do. Let them bring in sasha and digweed. DON'T FUCKING GO. sit at home on a broomhandle and listen to the latest matmos, and shut the fuck up. It doesn't kill you to have the two retards in detroit for the night and HELPING MOTOR PAY for bringing in other acts that don't bring in the dough.

Just shut up about this.  its pointless.

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