If I'm not mistaken, the whole environment that Techno sprang from was
elitist Social Clubs run by teens unusually interested in high fashion,
naming parties after Clothing stores, fer chrissakes. (Sharivari,
anyone?) What's happening in New York is not all that different; folks
are just not in High School while they're doing it, and the bands
playing are more refined. It doesn't help that they (We) live in the
News Media capital of the Free World, New York City.


PS, I did a party with Adult almot two years ago that filled to capacity
a pretty big venue. Perspects nearly did the same, as did Ectomorph (on
a wednesday night for that one). I think the Detroit artists are fairly
popular in New York.

>>>From my NYC friends I get the impression that the Detroit artists
aren't nearly as popular as the NY native types, or Felix and Miss
They aren't nearly glamorous enough.  And you have to remember that
this is NYC where they judge musicians by how amusing they are when
loaded to the gills on cocaine and downing $20 cocktails...

diana potts wrote:

>  This entire 'electroclash' revival seems like an
> older person's version of being a raver. Though the
> electroclash style doesn't require the baggy pants and
> glowsticks, the electro version does require a
> wardrobe, haircut and certain attitude. It doesn't
> surprise me that this is booming in NYC. A city that
> is a revolving door for fads,fashions and anything
> seeming European.
>  I'll never find the 'look' or the superficial things
> that go with this music sexy. Sue me for not liking
> mohawks or a good line o coke. I guess my discussion
> is, why does an entire 'look' have to be tied in with
> this music? In most of the press coverage I've seen of
> this music, the clothes and seemingly snotty social
> circles ala Less Than Zero etc., are covered right
> along with it.
>  Underneath, is the music that boring that it needs a
> pretty wrapper or is it just finally a music style
> combining the art/fashion world that has run parellel
> with music for so long?
>  I always liked Adult. but IMHO many of the other acts
> at the Electroclash party stunk. I much prefer the
> 'electro' of Clear than women who need show me their
> boobs and be in mini-skirts while they sing a cover of
> 80's ballads (yes, W.I.T.). They're like an electronic
> Brittany Spears trio. If Adult. and such were the
> bricklayers of this movement (which shouldn't even be
> put near the world 'electro' IMHO) it seems like many
> others are going in a completely different direction
> talent wise (like W.I.T.-who also completely demise
> what women have gone through to get respect in the
> music industry btw). Or perhaps I'm just taking it all
> too seriously.
> /rant ended.
> diana
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