Diana, you asked why does a "look" have to be tied in with this movement...

Fashion has been intimately tied to almost every subculture in this century, from Rude Boys to Mods to New Romantics to Old School Hip Hop. It is a way of differentiating the "us" from the "them." Books like Dick Hebdige's _Subculture: The Meaning of Style_ demonstrate that the correlations between subculture and fashion are much richer than most admit. Often a "look" congeals at the same time that the music reaches a critical mass and it isn't by accident.

What you seem to be ranting about is the decrease in the amount of time between when an underground look/scene emerges and when it is picked up by the press and major record labels, and that is a separate issue altogether.


Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 18:45:51 -0800 (PST)
To: 313@hyperreal.org
From: diana potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Electroclash rant/discussion ?s

I guess my discussion
is, why does an entire 'look' have to be tied in with
this music? In most of the press coverage I've seen of
this music, the clothes and seemingly snotty social
circles ala Less Than Zero etc., are covered right
along with it.

 Underneath, is the music that boring that it needs a
pretty wrapper or is it just finally a music style
combining the art/fashion world that has run parellel
with music for so long?

/rant ended.

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