> Quite a few people on this list run their own labels, and I'd be
> in whether they think they earn more from ASCAP and BMI fees than sales
> prompted by internet broadcasting in it's myriad forms. Obviously those
> sales are a hard thing to quantify but ask how many sites can afford those
> fees of over $1000 a year? And of those that can, how many are going to be
> playing obscure music released on labels that, at best, can be said to
> a cottage industry and are, more frequently, a labour of love? Not many,
> imagine.

Sorry, it's the artist who gets the ASCAP/BMI fees isn't it. The new CARP
fees are supposed to go to the labels. Notice that these are to be levied
against internet broadcasting only, implying that it's really distribution
control that is at stake here. I think, personally, that that whole "perfect
digital copy" argument against the internet is redundant, but, IMHO at
least, similar arguments hold against ASCAP/BMI. So, sorry if above I
conflate the two, but I think they are both aspects of the same stupidity.

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