|Hey Javier,
|I'm so sorry to hear about it........!
|No, WE are thank you for all your support for soooo long time...!
|and We thank you for having helped to spread this music which we
|love so much.
|All the best
|P.S. : any idea how European people could help about this issue ? since we
cannot call our congressman :-) Lester ?
|The more " funny" is when we know How works the transfer of the
|copyrights between BMI/ASCAP and the artist........I'm curious to
|know WHO was paid off , and who will be paid off amongst the
|artists that we support , when a commercial site broadcast their
|Our petition To BMI/ASCAP should start with this introduction.....
||-----Original Message-----
||From: Javier Drada [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
||Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 8:15 AM
||To: 313@hyperreal.org
||Subject: [313] Underground Committee Forced to Pull Webcast
||Unfortunately due to the pending issues with webcasting lincensing,
||Underground Committee is forced to pull all streams from it's site.
||Underound Committee is an independent organization who set out to give you
||quality Underground Music, thats all gone now. We can't afford
|the fees. It
||all started with BMI. After numerous attempts to contact us, they finally
||decided to just mail us the contract.
||The Bullshit they want us to believe:
||Webcasting CARP: What's All The Fuss About?
||Who is it? Three-person Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel (CARP)
||by the U.S. Copyright Office.
||What is it? The CARP submitted a report to the Copyright Office
||royalty rates to be paid by webcasters and simulcasters (i.e. FCC-licensed
||broadcasters that simultaneously retransmit on the Internet) to
|artists and
||copyright holders.
||When? The proposed rates were submitted on February 20, 2002; The
||Office must rule on the rates by the end of May 2002.
||What's the issue? In recent weeks, the CARP rates have become the
||subject of
||an intense misinformation and propaganda campaign (so called "grassroots"
||but really ginned up by sophisticated lobbyists in D.C.) -- waged through
||the news media, emails to Capitol Hill and numerous Internet
||sites. The goal
||is to scare non-commercial webcasters - including college radio
||stations and
||so-called hobbyists - and their members of Congress into thinking that the
||CARP rates are going to drive non-commercial webcasters out of
||business. The
||RIAA's Position On CARP Rates Contrary to what has been reported
||in the news
||media and circulated on the Internet, the RIAA and its member
||companies want
||ALL webcasters, large and small, to succeed. Unlike terrestrial
||broadcasters, webcasters - particularly non-commercial webcasters
|- provide
||a much-needed outlet for musical diversity (i.e., by providing
||"airplay" for
||new artists, artists with a niche following and artists who play unusual
||genres of music). Webcasting also represents an important and
||growing source
||of revenue for record labels, as well as for artists and performers. The
||CARP rates will enable webcasters to thrive. Contrary to press
|reports, the
||evidence strongly suggests that many of the non-commercial webcasters who
||think the CARP rates will put them out of busines will actually only be
||required to pay the minimum (and minimal) annual fee of $500.
||How could our royalty calculations differ so dramatically from the
||claims of
||webcasters? Non-commercial webcasters (like a hobbyist) are the
||targets of a
||well-orchestrated misinformation campaign. Most of the fee projections
||reported in the news media make the erroneous assumption that
||every listener
||who ever logs into a given non-commercial webcast remains logged into the
||site 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. This
||assumes that
||no one ever logs off and listeners only visit that particular
||site. While no
||one can say for sure what the actual listener's time is, the notion that
||they stayed logged on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is
||preposterous and the
||subject of gross exaggerations. We recognize and appreciate that
||non-commercial broadcasters are a special class of web radio; the rates
||should accordingly reflect that. We would welcome the opportunity to
||negotiate a solution. Artists and labels are entitled to be paid for their
||work-the music recordings on which webcasting businesses are being built.
||Artists and record companies deserve to be rewarded for the creative
||contributions that webcasters utilize to build their businesses.
||have many costs, but one of the least expensive is the music that is the
||foundation of their business. Musicians and artists should not be
|forced to
||subsidize the profit margin of webcasters like MTV, Microsoft, AOL
||TimeWarner and others.
||The minimum fees are like this:
||CARP: $500.00
||ASCAP: $264.00
||BMI: $250.00
||Total Fee: $1,014.00 per year
||On Behalf of Underground Committee and all the Artist, Labels and DJ's
||represented, we thank you for all your support.
||The Underground Committee Staff
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