I do not think, you can act, deal the same way with one person and a group of persons, common sense when dealing with a group of persons, Adopt consensus, to move foward.
Can one person can be in conflict with him/herself ?

I assume stipulating that everybody will play as a prelude avoid conflict and create an environment in which disagreements are over, focus on the main part, proposals stronger, frustrations flew away, more chance to reach the goal! There is no right decision, only the best one for the whole group. The task is to work together to discover which choice is most acceptable to all members.

Besides I'm impressed to see how people are prompt to denigrate the coorporate/majors companies, but in fact use exactly the same weapons than them...... PROPAGANDA :the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person; ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause .

A day does not pass when each and every one of us is not bombarded with propaganda : name calling, glittering generalities, card stacking, loaded language, Sometimes it is very obvious, or revealed propaganda testimonials, meantime it's self-evident that the desiderata behind, is to get on the bandwagon, I'd stake my life on it, for the majority of these people, it won't take more than 10 seconds to say " Yes" if CPOP, call them to work with.

What we need is more angle, instead of pia, pia, pia.
To criticize for criticizing it is the easiest, without any counter proposal or action plan, the more difficult : analysis, perspective......

The only thing I might reproach but I have not all the ins and outs, if, it is true, that CPOP failed trying to book Kraftwek, that means for me there is room to improve their booking organization........but they are not alone in this case, most of promoters, bookers, today, work the same way than 10 years ago, whilst the big picture has been completely changed .....

About the Exceed pass, I hope this decision will put everybody at the same level, no favoritism any more ! no .........I saw last year the mum of a Dj stayed outside this area , she couldn't get a pass, despite his son's request, meantime this unprofessional person who delivered the pass, was delivering them more on a profile, relationship basis rather than on a rule basis ........

About the poster: it reminds me a lot about Kraftwek ...:-)

I'm happy to see that people who will go there, will have the chance to catch other names than the usual so called big names, I am, personally, a little bit tired to, always, see the same names again, and again, and again......!

True also that the first announcement, of the line up was more existing than the revisited one........let see what will happen . All art must have some kind of reaction to be true art, but I will more keen, incline to really critizise after May 27th...

Enjoy your WE

From: Klaas-Jan Jongsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: [313] The committee vs. Carl Craig
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 12:44:37 +0200

Surprise, surprise everyone who is on the selecting committee is
playing at the DEMF.  On the previous editions Carl never played. How
objective can you be for a festival, well not a festival THE festival
when you are playing there yourself. Why did they do that, aren't
there enough other artists who could play there? Not that i don't
like hearing Eddie Fowkles spin or Juan Atkins (Why the f*ck isn't he
playing live) but doing the selections for one the most important
techno festivals in the world and immediately slecting yourself just
doesn't sound right.

there, i said it!


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