----- Original Message -----
From: "JL Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [313] scenes vs The Scene

> So, I guess I shouldn't bother considering going to this
> one, not being able to make it to the first two.......

Hey there Mr. Jones,

In my mind, anyone who's never been should still go. I think if you don't
know what you missed the first year, these following years won't have the
tinge of longing. Plus you'll get to put faces with names for fellow 313ers
who would like to meet you in person. :)

> Seems like this attitude kinda puts a damper on people
> exploring their curiosity with regards to the acts at this
> event as well... It's almost like you're saying:
> "If you have no clue about who's performing, you shouldn't go"-
> even if you do have an interest in the music

I don't feel that way, but I was quite dissapointed by the different vibe
the second year. It was impossible not to be, and I think this is what
Cyborg K was originally asking about. The first year was unbelievably
exciting - nearly a religious experience for some. No one there knew if it
would go off. In the days leading up to the event, there was nearly as much
controversy as this year and last year. No one could anticipate how many
people would actually show up, or what kind of feeling the festival would
have. When I finally arrived, after months of discussing it, it surpassed
everyone's expectations. The crowd was so unbelievably diverse. It was like
a cross-section of Detroit and its surrounding areas, comingling with
travellers from all over the world, together as one, curious or die-hard. In
fact, it's the curiosity that felt missing from the second one in a lot of
ways. So much of the crowd was Detroit locals, some older families, some
people who had seen Derrick may at the MI but couldn't believe he was still
DJing, and that something like this could ever happen in Detroit. You only
need to review the groovetech footage from the first day of the festival at
the CPOP stage, from Minx into Theo Parrish to see what happened. The first
festival was diverse in every respect, from ethnicity to age. Children and
grandparents all dancing to Theo Parrish's "I Can Take It", etc. After about
1/2 an hour of Theo's magic the place was transformed and that feeling never
went away.

The second year I arrived with fears of corporate pollution and anger about
Carl Craig's dismissal, but I tried to make the best and enjoy myself at
what was a phenomenal line-up. However, it never felt the same and it took
some severe expectation-adjustment to acclimate to what the festival had
changed into. There were phenomenal moments when you could remember what it
was like the year before, but there wasn't the pure joy the first festival
set free. There were also logistical differences. Some of the stages were
simply too crowded to get into, and getting between stages was extrememly
hard. There were a lot more people. What did it for me and many others the
second year was the after parties. Here, you could reconnect with the
underground - you could experience the same feeling that was missing the
first year. The Sound Signature party last year was as good as any moment
from the first, and there were literally four other parties I would have
ran, not walked to. Anyone there will likely tell you this. I would travel
to Detroit this year just to attend that party, not even knowing details on
other parties to come - but there will surely be too many to chose from. Go
for the parties, don't expect a miracle from the crowd at the festival like
the first year, and perhaps be happilly surprised by the whole thing.

Anyone curious can read my full review of the 2nd year here:

http://www.mp313.com <- Music
http://www.metrotechno.net <- DC techno + more
http://www.metatrackstudios.com <- DC DJ/Production studios
http://phonopsia.tripod.com <- Hub

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