> heard him spin for six hours at Time Warp in Germany last year...best set
> i've heard for ages, the whole set was a perfect build-up

I'd just like to back up what our friend Martijn says:

Richie is my God, Sven as the arch-angel sits by this throne on the right
hand side.

There's good trance and there's bubblegum trance.  My definition of good
trance is that which is not a million miles removed from Techno.  I'd never
call Harthouse's trance bubblegum.  Sometimes his sets are 'trancey' and
sometimes they are as hard as nails.  I dont think I have ever been
disappointed with Sven.  Yeah sometimes his set didn't get the usual 8 or 9
outta 10 with me.  But then even Richie's had a bum mark once or twice and
nearly got a detention once at the End!

I had the pleasure of going to TimeWarp in Mannheim last year and was
As I remember Sven came on about 5:00am and played through to the official
close at 7:00am.  Now Mannheim is about 30/45 minutes from Frankfurt Airport
and I had a plane back to London around 2:30pm.  I remember leaving TimeWarp
at around midday and Sven was still playing.  And he's such a cool friendly
guy.  He recognises my face and has often come over to me and said 'Hey how
are you?' and so he obviously knows I'm English.  It's never been 'Wie gehen
sie?' even in the German clubs.

Another brilliant set I saw of Sven's was at what was one of the final
birthday parties at the Dorian Grey club also at Frankfurt airport.  Now
that is (was)something else.  I remember walking through the deserted
airport around 11.30 at night looking for the club.  Coming out of there the
next day (Sunday afternoon) at around 1.30pm you don't half get some strange
looks - with the airport then packed to the seams with travellers......
pretty mind blowing!!

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