hi.. i just saw thecnasia live yesterday. i was in the most POP party of the
world!! really sad.. the scnene in brazil isnt dead, but it would be muc
better if it was. considering this, technasia live was a gift! i discovered
that they have two tracks that i like a lot. one its "swarm" with that efect
sounding like a good jeff mills track, and the oder is a electro. a great
electro, with detroit classic drums. sounding like a red planet or
something.. anyone know about this track?

the rest of the show was nice too. much more seruious then the rest of the
party so it was allready great to me. i dont know technasia discog but i
think they played their classics. one of the songs was singed by one of
them, and this guy played something like a flute on another song.. a cool
song by the way.

the show didnt took more than 45 minutes i think.

 take care u all

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