just wanted to give an update on what happened at the MA london show. first
off, sorry to anyone who left after the show stopped initially- the audio
interface (828) decided to die completely right in the middle of the first
track. it was totally mysterious and obviously completely unexpected...about
an hour later, standing outside the club, trying to figure out whether there
was any way the show could still happen, darshan and some of the people who
were putting on the night came trotting around the corner, 828 in tow- it
turns out that lady miss keir of dee-lite fame(!), who happened to be close
by, had one in her studio and was gracious enough to lend it. it was a
miracle that one turned up close to 2am! 

it was great to see such a receptive, vocal crowd and hopefully the people
who stayed enjoyed the show in its entirety. let this be an example of all
the work that still goes on behind a laptop live show...i honestly think
organzing a small orchestra of dyslexic chimpanzees would have been easier
than putting that set together.


Date: 06 May 2002 13:16
Subject: [313] Some new records, Metro Area live & football anthems

>Went to see Metro Area at Plastic People but it didn't all go according to
>plan. For a start, being bank holiday weekend, it was rammed. Having all
>gear set up in the middle of the dancefloor as an unfortunate necessity, I
>suppose (there's nowhere else), but you couldn't dance/move on the
>dancefloor, and at points hardly breathe. MA came on at about 1am, but only
>played half a track before something crashed. By 2am they still hadn't
>started again and I was feeling ill so headed home. Only to discover froma
>friend the next day most folk had left not long after and when Metro Area
>restarted their storming set, everything was hunky dory. Damn :) When I
>my cat meowing version of Metro Area 1 down the phone (I sing it to my cat
>quite a bit), he told me they played that one last and it was ace. No
>you wee &^*(!

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