the lineup is something that will always make some people unhappy.  i think
the panel was a good idea (much better than carol/pcm picking artists).

my problem with the whole thing is this:  if the festival is the *detroit
electronic music* festival, how come i can't walk into a tent and buy an
ersatz audio record?  and i have doubts about the integrity of someone who
claims to be a fan of the music and then uses it to help huge corporate
sponsors reach their market audience.  that should be a small part of the
festival, not the main focus. (no pun intended)

btw: does anyone know who the music retailer is down there this year?  i
know record time is not doing it.


: : -----Original Message-----
: : From: Fred Heutte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: : Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 12:29 AM
: : To:
: : Subject: Re: [313] metro times article - rant
: :
: :
: : I'm concerned about this idea that this year's lineup just makes the
: : DEMF into a "daytime rave."  Would it be good to have more experimental/
: : "IDM" in the lineup?  Maybe yes -- or maybe not *this* year.
: : Maybe *this*
: : year it ought to be more about movement and getting your groove on, and
: : as a dance-oriented DJ I have *no problem* with defending that point of
: : view, which is just as valid as the idea that the more experimental and
: : innovative side needs the spotlight.  In fact, both viewpoints
: : are valid,
: : and so in the end moving the center of gravity between them at
: : the festival
: : from year to year is the right approach.
: :
: : Again, let's give some credit to Carol Marvin for letting a set of
: : experienced people, a Delphi Court if you will, help do the lineup
: : selections.  Any list will generate complaints and disagreements, but
: : I bet when it's all over we will see that this year's lineup has its own
: : merits, because the reality is, at the literal end of the day, the music
: : is more powerful than anyone's agenda.
: :
: : If Carol Marvin had picked some sidekick to select the lineup
: : in secret,
: : and they had the typical aspirations to being a self-anointed
: : Big Wheel in
: : musical inner circles -- which is how this sort of thing
: : usually goes --
: : then we would have plenty of reason to kick back.  Instead,
: : what we got is
: : an admirable group of selectors, followed by a predictably incompetent
: : implementation of the recommended list by PCM.  And even so,
: : the lineup is
: : going to showcase some great music.
: :
: : (Sooner or later, though, the city has to face up to the fact
: : that you can't
: : burn everyone in town and keep the festival going.  The
: : comments from Kevin
: : Saunderson ought to make *everyone* sit up and pay serious attention.)
: :
: : In the end, though, Carl's quote at the end of the MT article is exactly
: : right.  He had the vision all along: the festival should be *everyone's*
: : festival.  And so far, no matter what Carol Marvin may think,
: : it still is.
: :
: : phred
: :
: :
: :
: :
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