has to be said from the viewpoint of a person in his thirties this has to
be 313 sentiment of the year for me :), nice one greg.

> Every so often I say to myself, "Self, you're approaching 44, you've got
> a drop-dead gorgeous ex-model girlfriend who doesn't like Techno, maybe
> it's time to quit dressing like a kid and grow up and wear Sensible Middle
> Aged Male All-Black Clothing and move on with your life."
> Then I see stuff like Clarkey's set and it reminds me of The Heyday[tm]
> of my raving years and I remember why I love the music and events like
> that, and I say "Hah.  Fcuk that sh*t".

and is this the new "if it kick it kick, period" quote?


> "I'm a simple man.  Just give me a 4/4 beat and a nice melody, and I'm happy."
>  - Otto Koppius


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