Did you also hear that blow horn? :-) Everytime it was blown, the crowd would cheer right after it.

Greg Earle wrote:

Hi all -

I heard from a friend that Dave Clarke absolutely rocked it ... did anyone
get a chance to see him????

I heard the same thing, and I hear he's just finished a Fisherspooner remix
that is the proverbial sh*t.

He played said remix at the end of his set.  It was the sh*t.

This year's DEMF was all about Detroit Moments for me.

Clarke's set was one of them.  I haven't seen a crowd (absolutely rammed)
go so ballistic in *years*.  He *completely* killed it.  Perfect.  (Well ...
I wouldn't have minded some Electro; it was sorta a sparse weekend, Electro

And when, during "Red 2", a thousand or so of 'em started the
"DE-troit!  DE-troit!  DE-troit!" chant - totally spontaneously -
I could've cried.  THAT was truly a Detroit Moment[tm].

Every so often I say to myself, "Self, you're approaching 44, you've got
a drop-dead gorgeous ex-model girlfriend who doesn't like Techno, maybe
it's time to quit dressing like a kid and grow up and wear Sensible Middle
Aged Male All-Black Clothing and move on with your life."

Then I see stuff like Clarkey's set and it reminds me of The Heyday[tm]
of my raving years and I remember why I love the music and events like
that, and I say "Hah.  Fcuk that sh*t".


        - Greg (who hung out with Dave "marmoset" Walker a couple of times)

"I'm a simple man.  Just give me a 4/4 beat and a nice melody, and I'm happy."
- Otto Koppius

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