it´s not all about the ears -

freequenzys are also there to vibrate in your body -

that doesn´t work over the headphone -

high frequenzys land on the top of your head

lower ones will make your booty swing - etc..

this is what helps people dance -

one aspect, why it´s not only about listening music -

different music-productions and different often not very exact systems

make it difficult for tranced djs to get all 2gether in the best way -

so the level goes up and

some even like the feeling of overpowered systems - testosterone click :)

so it´s always good to have some earplugs with you before f*cking your ears

_ my 2.000 euros 

> If this is the point then why not stay at home, plug in a pair of headphones
> to your hi-fi and crank the volumne up to full -  it'll make you just as
> deaf.
> I honestly see no point in places the play music at rediculas levels.  It
> becomes too loud to actually hear properly, distorts badly (caused by both
> the ear and the equipment not being able to take the levels), hurts and can
> cause people serious hearing problems.  Whats the attraction?
>> talk about missing the point.
>> On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, :P wrote:
>>> thats a good idea... and I'd like to go on record as requesting that the
> PA
>>> not be so loud.
>>> it hurt me in the past and everytime I see rich anywhere, he jacks the
>>> volume up when he comes on.  I hate that.
>>> -Joe
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