Yeah.. and maybe submerge should start giving tunes away for free or at
least cost :P

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 3:40 PM
>To: 'Ian Cheshire'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>Subject: RE: [313] > can you post this to the 313 list... ?
>Exactly - it's all about the Benjamins isn't it?
>I hope most musicians don't feel this way about their music, 
>as potential
>dollar earners as opposed to artistic creations.
>Cos hey lets not beat around the bush,,there are few people 
>who would sit
>back and bite their tongue and see the dollars just running 
>away from them
>from what they originally created.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: 13 August 2002 13:15
>Subject: RE: [313] > can you post this to the 313 list... ?
>Memo from Alex Bond of PricewaterhouseCoopers
>-------------------- Start of message text --------------------
>Surely the point is that the multi-millionaire Beastie Boys 
>are about to
>bankrupt the guy, all for the privelege of using HIS music, 
>without asking
>the right people.
>Bit shady on their part, and you would have thought if they 
>knew the full
>story, you'd have hoped that they'd get their record company 
>to stop the
>action taken against him.
>If, however, they know exactly what's going on, then they're 
>bang out of
>order and should be strung up.
>Robert Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 13/08/2002 13:41:51
>To:    "'Odeluga, Ken'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>       <>
>Subject:    RE: [313] > can you post this to the 313 list... ?
>Yes - What is wrong with sampling? Hip hop and many electronic forms of
>music use it creatively
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Odeluga, Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:28 AM
>Subject: RE: [313] > can you post this to the 313 list... ?
>Ha! Is this is serious considered response?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:26 AM
>>To: 'Neontsetse'; 313s
>>Subject: RE: [313] > can you post this to the 313 list... ?
>>What about the artist's right to sample?
>>Surely it is ridiculous to award damages to an artist if they 
>haven't been
>>harmed commercially by the sampling?
>>No one is ever going to buy a Beastie boys record in the 
>mistaken belief
>>that it is a James Newton record.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Neontsetse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 9:20 AM
>>To: 313s
>>Subject: [313] > can you post this to the 313 list... ?
>>>Please distribute to raise awareness and support of this important
>>> > Artists' Rights and Cultural Hegemony issue!
>>> >
>>> > -James Newton loses to Beastie Boys: Amicus
>>> >
>>> > support requested!   URGENT!!!!
>>> > (This story can found at <>)
>>> >
>>> > From: James Newton (renowned jazz musician) --
>>> >
>>> >        For the last two years I have been involved in a 
>suit because
>>> > the Beastie Boys sampled a part of my composition "Choir" 
>and did not
>>> > contact me for permission. They did not change in any way 
>what they
>>> > sampled from "Choir". It begins with the sampled six and a half
>>> > seconds and loops in the song over forty times. "Pass the 
>Mic'" has
>>> > appeared in CD, MP3, LP, and DVD formats.
>>> >
>>> >         The law clearly states that to use someone else's 
>music one
>>> > must contact and receive permission from both the record 
>company and
>>> > the copyright  owner."Choir" was registered with the 
>copyright office
>>> > and ASCAP in 1978. My publishing company JANEW MUSIC 
>controls 100% of
>>> > the rights. The Beastie Boys contacted and received 
>permission from
>>> > ECM Records, which released my album Axum which they 
>sampled in 1992,
>>> > and ignored me.
>>> >
>>> >         The case went up for summary judgement one month 
>ago and Judge
>>> > Nora Manella of US Federal Court ruled against me!!!!!!!!!!! She
>>> > stated as a fact of law that my music was not original! 
>The six and a
>>> > half second sample consists of three sung notes C,Db, C and a held
>>> > flute harmonic C2, as a result of the combination of 
>voice, harmonic
>>> > and a balanced distribution of each a series of shifting 
>>> > are created. The judge ignored the multiphonics because 
>they weren't
>>> > written on the score and said that there are just three 
>notes in the
>>> > score which aren't protectable. If you go to the Beastie 
>Boy's DVD of
>>> > the piece "Pass the Mic" to signify the song there is 
>only my flute
>>> > sample and a drum beat. The judge consistently used 
>European paradigms
>>> > to judge my music. An aria from Purcell's "Dido and 
>Aeneas" and Cole
>>> > Porter's "Night and Day" were examples of what is 
>protectable. "Choir"
>>> > is about four black women singing in a church in rural 
>Arkansas. This
>>> > work is a modern approach to a spiritual. As you well 
>know, one would
>>> > be hard-pressed to find multiphonic fingerings in most 
>jazz scores,
>>> > even when multiphonics are used!!!! If I'm writing for a classical
>>> > ensemble I'll write out the multiphonic fingerings because of how
>>> > notation is used in that culture of music.
>>> >
>>> >         The urgency of this letter is that after unjustly 
>winning the
>>> > case the Beastie Boys have filed a motion with the court 
>for me to pay
>>> > their legal fees of $492,000 after they stole my music. I 
>have already
>>> > spent a considerable amount of money for a creative musician and
>>> > college professor. This would, of course, send me into 
>bankruptcy, and
>>> > I stand a chance of losing my home and all that I have worked for
>>> > through the years. If you can spread news of this 
>judgement around, it
>>> > will help my cause greatly.
>>> >
>>> >      The more newspapers, magazines and journals that this is
>>> > placed in will help. Please inform us of any press that appears so
>>> > that we can use it in our legal endeavors. My lawyer, Alan Korn
>>> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), and he can give you the
>>> > information of where to send Amicus letters.
>>> >
>>> >         This decision is a dangerous one that would affect jazz
>>> > composers and other composers that choose to write in 
>other ways.  The
>>> > strain on this trial and subsequent rulings have been 
>immense. It has
>>> > curtailed much of my artistic output because of the seriousness of
>>> > this situation. This is a time when I have to now ask for 
>your help. I
>>> > am fighting for my rights and the abilty to express 
>myself in my own
>>> > and any other cultural perspective that I choose as an artist.
>>> >
>>> > Yours in music and freedom,
>>> > James Newton
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