Come on don't be so dramatic about this, i think there are thousands of
lawsuits like this going on right now. This is the 21th century be >ready to get sampled to death. It wasn't really smart of that Hewton guy to get >this case so big he is facing bankruptcy, the whole e-mail is a bit to >dramatic, oh i am loosing my house over this well if you don't have the money to >go to
court then don't go! I really don't hope we have to discuss every >sample
case on this list.

hmm, yes sampling is everywhere, but the point is that james newton created the original piece; it's his work, so he has the right to do with it what HE wants. but he should also have a saying in what he doesn't want to have happen with his work [that's basically what copyright is for] so when someone else uses his work he should get aproval of the original author, the mere fact that this doesn't always happen, but that doesn't make it right! how would you react if someone samples one of your all time 313 classic pieces and turns it into the cheesiest record ever and makes a uge profit out of it, it's not about the money, you as an artist would feel violated, the rip off is everything you are against, and you're not even gettting recognition for the original work, doesn't feel so good does it?


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