loved this and thought i'd share it

from maximum rock and roll

"Part 2:  Tape Hiss= The Frequency of Love

A mixtape, warm with the sonic coloration of analog, carries with it a
sense of intimacy.  Every person's tape deck records at a different
signal-to-noise ratio, and the frequency of tape hiss varies from machine
to machine.  A mixtape holds the inaudible, subconscious personalization of
the user's machine in the form of an ultra-high-frequency signal riding
over the top of the music.  This subliminally perceived hiss is a result of
years of loving wear and tear on the user's machine..years of making
mixtapes for relations won and lost..years of musical discovery...TAPE HISS
carries with it the forethought of years of heartwrenching learning
experiences.  It is for this reason that the mixtape is more inherently
emotional vehicle for communication than a burned CD.

A CD is pristine digital audio...Zeros and ones sequenced in a manner that
reproduce sounds when read by a laser that converts those bits into audible
informations.  Yes, those sounds may carry with them certain ideas or
intentions, but there is something very cold and impersonal about a digital
recording.  A CD may be enjoyed equally as intensely as an audio tape, but
the format carries with it a sense of detached aloofness that sets it apart
from the vulnerablity of the mixtape.  A CD may scratch, causing the audio
to skip, but this is a very mechanical sort of defect...quite unlike the
humanity of a tape which can stretch out, warping the sound..tapes can get
dirty muffling the intentions of the recorded sound..tapes (like people)
can snap."

chris bickel

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