i think i agree with the below but despite that i've just recently aquired
technology that will allow me to do cds. this is tho my setup is
sufficiently "ghetto" ( :) ) that the character is still preserved (hiss
is introduced from my external effects, eqs and mixer not to mention the decks
themselves and also the vinyl)

i suspect that most people who record mixes on this list will be in the
same boat


> loved this and thought i'd share it
> from maximum rock and roll
> "Part 2:  Tape Hiss= The Frequency of Love
> A mixtape, warm with the sonic coloration of analog, carries with it a
> sense of intimacy.  Every person's tape deck records at a different
> signal-to-noise ratio, and the frequency of tape hiss varies from machine
> to machine.  A mixtape holds the inaudible, subconscious personalization of
> the user's machine in the form of an ultra-high-frequency signal riding
> over the top of the music.  This subliminally perceived hiss is a result of
> years of loving wear and tear on the user's machine..years of making
> mixtapes for relations won and lost..years of musical discovery...TAPE HISS
> carries with it the forethought of years of heartwrenching learning
> experiences.  It is for this reason that the mixtape is more inherently
> emotional vehicle for communication than a burned CD.
> A CD is pristine digital audio...Zeros and ones sequenced in a manner that
> reproduce sounds when read by a laser that converts those bits into audible
> informations.  Yes, those sounds may carry with them certain ideas or
> intentions, but there is something very cold and impersonal about a digital
> recording.  A CD may be enjoyed equally as intensely as an audio tape, but
> the format carries with it a sense of detached aloofness that sets it apart
> from the vulnerablity of the mixtape.  A CD may scratch, causing the audio
> to skip, but this is a very mechanical sort of defect...quite unlike the
> humanity of a tape which can stretch out, warping the sound..tapes can get
> dirty muffling the intentions of the recorded sound..tapes (like people)
> can snap."
> chris bickel
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