I'd have to agree with most comments so far. And it seems that promoters are
deliberately targeting Lost events by staging their own on the same night.
It has to be said that Carl Craig and Vladislav delay coincidentally on the
28th are pretty firm competition. As was Farben/Juan Atkins last month.
(Although Lost booked Atkins this year and most agreed that he played an
electic set). The only reason such promoters are able to do this is because
Lost has not occupied the ground which it ought to and taken such 'risks'
(as in breaking from the bang-bang, 4/4 norm) itself.

But I would add the odd proviso - For instance, people keep overlooking the
Du Kru! OK, they're not everyone's cup of tea. But it does seem odd for
folks to complain about wanting something different and then to totally slag
off what to me seems a very brave departure on the part of the Lost

Lost has always been a broader church than some are recently giving it
credit for - as well as Colin Dale playing straight up house last month
we've also been lucky enough to see Weatherall playing his blend of dubby
breaks this summer and there have been others this year and all years.

Secondly, I think people need to remember that Lost has always been at the
forefront of changes in the 'what' and way of Techno: remember Basic Channel
and more recently remember New Year's Eve - Also it takes a little while for
changes in collective wishes to filter through - think of it as a
proto-institution. However, I'm not really about defending the
unsupportable, no matter how much of a sentimental attitude I may have
towards the thing.

So perhaps the time to take note is now Lost boys!


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