Yep, a massive thank you to all those on 313 who came down on Saturday. Rob
Euroh tore it up in a big way, why he doesn't play out more outside Brighton
is beyond me because he's an electro DJ of the highest order and I think
would put a lot of the more established guys in the scene to shame. Alas we
couldn't record anything because we didn't have enough outputs on the mixer
(due to Plant 43's live set) but hopefully this situation will be rectified
for forthcoming events.  Thanks also to those who gave us an email during my
set on Groovetech on Friday. I managed to get a shout out to you lot during
some Detroit trax (world of Deep I think) in the latter half of the set.

----- Original Message -----
From: Fabrizio Nahum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: (313) Bleeping Saturday

> Sounds like a great party!
> I wonder if any sets will be put online?
> fab.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Odeluga, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED] Org" <>
> Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:34 AM
> Subject: (313) Bleeping Saturday
> >
> >
> > Thx to all who attended the first SLICES event on Saturday at Public
> > London. Resounding success is a fair phrase. As I had always cautioned,
> our
> > problem wasn't not filling the joint but of overcapacity - at about 10,
> the
> > doors where shut. A well-known London electro DJ (not on the line-up)
> > unfortunately turned away with scores of others.
> >
> > After starting with a rare treat of wall-to-wall Kraftwerk & Drexciya
> > Toby, things got funkier (and messier) with the alien sine waves and
> crunchy
> > beats of Rebel Intelligence and Spectraal crews. After about 10 o'clock,
> it
> > was dancing room only at the front but the flailing arms and whoops of
> > appreciation intensified when Rob Euroh came on. Think
> > DMC-contender-does-Electro. This mate of the Scratch Perverts proceeded
> > cut and scratch up UR, Drexciya, Rother, Radioactive Man, old school,
> > school, into new territory. The earliest electro mixes I ever heard
> sounded
> > like this: With rough edges as well as smooth grooves, long builds as
> > as short bursts. It's an art which has largely and sadly been lost. Plus
> > he's a well-sorted bloke who believes in the music, the scene and the
> > undepinning ethos 200%. Respect.
> >
> > Had great conversations with him and a host of others, from the 313 list
> and
> > beyond. I always underestimate how gratifying it is to talk with people
> a
> > similar wavelength.
> >
> > Thanks particularly to Brendan, Guy, Nicole, the three Robs (!)
> > Robert Taylor, Tristan, Counterpoint who's over from Detroit, Melody,
> > everybody else who came, grooved and schmoozed.
> >
> > The night's success means Public Life is encouraging us to keep up the
> > momentum. So please watch this space.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > k
> >

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