-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Odeluga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 1:26 PM
To: Toby Frith
Subject: RE: (313) KraftWerk

Toby describes it well yet that's about 99% away from how devastating it

Aussies, don't fail to cram every nook and cranny of whichever venue they're
playing. It's 'once-in-a-life-time a-lifetime' event. They're getting on
(agewise) - these could be amongst the last shows that they do.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Toby Frith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:35 AM
>To: Odeluga, Ken; Robert Taylor; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Org
>Subject: Re: (313) KraftWerk
>Their live version of Expo 2000 was a remix of the UR and Rolando versions,
>and sounded stunning. I can't really begin to comprehend just how good they
>were to be honest. The sound at the venue was perfect, and when I say
>perfect, you could hear everything!  Although they suffered a little
>embarrassment in the first showing when Fritz Hilpert's laptop seemed to
>crash, causing them to disappear behind the curtain after just 30
>seconds of
>"Robots" at the beginning , the rest was....well it's difficult to describe
>perfection.   Their marriage of sound and visuals is still, 20
>years on, far
>ahead of anything any other musicians will ever come close to
>IMHO. The main
>factor I think is the sheer simplicity of everything they do. As for "Tour
>de France".. jesus...... Both shows blew me away and I don't think I'll be
>able to write anything legible on it for some time.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Odeluga, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 5:39 PM
>Subject: RE: (313) KraftWerk
>> We all are. Went with Toby and our little lot. I don't think I'll ever
>> anything comprehensible to say about it!
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 4:35 PM
>> >To: 'ian cheshire'; Odeluga, Ken; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Org
>> >Subject: RE: (313) KraftWerk
>> >
>> >
>> >His report on Overload was Kraftwerk: f***ing hell!
>> >He's back but I think he's still speechless
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: ian cheshire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 2:25 PM
>> >To: Odeluga, Ken; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Org
>> >Subject: RE: (313) KraftWerk
>> >
>> >
>> >well i got a text from Toby-Bleep43 last nite who said he was absolutley
>> >amazed at
>> >how good they were and that he got to see them twice in the same nite!
>> >a lucky bugger he is :0)
>> >
>> >no doubt he will report on his return....
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Odeluga, Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: 27 September 2002 14:48
>> >Subject: (313) KraftWerk
>> >
>> >
>> >Last night at Cite de la Musique, Paris ... Don't feel qualified enough
>> >comment. (Enjoyed it though). Any other list members there?
>> >
>> >(Sorry was too disorganized to hook up in advance.)
>> >k
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>> >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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