I never met Laura Gavoor.  I wish I had.  I always enjoyed her posts, and
remember thinking clearly while reading one of them "Wow, this girl kicks ass."
(This is high praise coming from me  (-: )

It says she was 44 years old.  I turn 44 in 17 days.  So this hits pretty
close to home.

It's ironic that this happened just after I returned from a week in Paris.
I feel most alive when I'm away on travel.  One thing you find in your 40's
(heck, probably 30's for some folks) is that life can become incredibly
rote - you suddenly discover yourself plowing the same furrough, going
through the same motions, finding things monotonous.  Travelling - be it
TechnoTourist travel or otherwise - breaks me out of that, and makes me
come alive again.  To be alive and to be able to experience things like
the overwhelming immensity of The Louvre or the opulence of Versailles
is something I am very, very grateful to be able to experience.

I don't have much else to say, and I hope to God this doesn't come out
all Father Knows Best-y:

Coming alive while on travel, combined with what just happened to Laura and
James Stinson, reminds me - as it should remind all of us - how precious our
brief little time on this orb is, and how we should live every day as if
it's our last.  Because it just might well be.

And dance like no one's watching.

Rest in peace, Laura.

        - Greg

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