On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 09:56:52 -0700 Greg Earle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> thing you find in your 40's
> (heck, probably 30's for some folks) is that
> life can become incredibly
> rote - you suddenly discover yourself plowing
> the same furrough, going
> through the same motions, finding things
> monotonous.  

wow..i find it to be the opposite..i'm in my 30's though..i feel like i've
finally calmed down enough to enjoy little things more..puttering in the
garden, having a random interaction with a stranger, going for a walk etc...i
feel like i appreciate every day moments more..

> Coming alive while on travel, combined with
> what just happened to Laura and
> James Stinson, reminds me - as it should remind
> all of us - how precious our
> brief little time on this orb is, and how we
> should live every day as if
> it's our last.  Because it just might well be.

no..i've been thinking these same sort of thoughts..but mine is more of the
make time to love sort of thing..i dont' know many on the list personally here
but the people i _do_ know at least something of have a tendency to WORK TOO
DAMN HARD! (including me)..once in a while we need a reminder to make it more
of a priority to hang out with that one person, go and see that other person,
take an hour long bath..etc. etc..basically to love ourselves and take time to
express our love for other people..instead of "oh i just have to get this one
thing done" or "i don't have time to hang out this weekend because i have _x_
project i need to work on"..bell hooks wrote a great book on love called _all
about love_ i highly rec. it

anyway i'm on your team..


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