
well, to get honestly
I'm born and raised in the same small village as Dj Jean!
And I once, somewhere in 1989, had him at the back of my moped, and as I only remember vaguely what happened then, maybe it could explain a lot of things!!

marsel, it's a pity dj jean wasn't on the back of the delsin bike with me when i rode through amsterdam.. one less trance dj ;)

i know what you mean about trance though - in all fairness i expect that there are real fans out there who have the same problem that we all do.. know what i mean?.. when somebody says "what sort of music are you into?" and you have to hesitate then sort of say "techno", look embarassed and change the subject.. i'm djing with someone who plays 'tekkno' in a couple of weeks.. i don't even want to think about it ;)

not all trance is bad.. there i've said it.. forgive me..


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