> we have a new single out in the next week or so- Iridite 003- Better By
> Design...

...which is excellent! Probably my favourite Iridite so far, proper techno
music and stunning stuff from Rei Loci, Mr Brunton and Elijah. Definitely
keep an eye out for this...

> On another point, I don't know what releases KJ (aka The Moderator) has
> lined up in the future, but I for one will be awaiting them anxiously.  I
> just got back form a visit to Glasgow where I saw KJ perform a live set in
> the Unit which was by turns, hard, intelligent, emotional and damn funky-
> really, really enjoyed the music- well done that man.

Damn, can't believe I missed this! I actually turned up at the Unit at about
2.30 but was scared off by the police cars and flashing lights everywhere
outside - I assumed the venue had been raided or something... of course I've
since found out a bus had crashed into the bridge outside - doh! Sorry I
missed it KJ, hope you enjoyed it...

Talking of the Unit, myself and Traxx's Laurence Hughes (also the man behind
the superb Elijah track on the new Iridite EP mentioned above) are doing
another our of 'Spatial' parties there next Saturday 21st. The night will
also feature live sets from Iridite's sickeningly talented Rei Loci and a
very special Dutch guest - anyone in the area who isn't already on our info
mailing list, get in touch...



| tom churchill
| emoticon recordings
| http://www.emoticonrecordings.com

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