On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 12:23:15PM -0600, Jkenjar wrote:

> any closet jungle fans on the list? Anybody have any favorite artists or 
> lables worth looking into. Hit me back privatley if you are too embarressed to

/me raises hand.

i'm from detroit, and have been listening to techno and electro locally
for more than half a decade. i've been listening to jungle and hardcore
for about as long, if not a tad longer.

i'm probably going to catch some flames for this, oh well. ;)

i like my techno in the same vein i like my jungle. i'm just a fan of
hard, raw, energetic music. i can understand and respect the glitchy
stuff, and the minimal stuff, and the experimental stuff. i just don't
like it. there might be a few exceptions, tracks here and there that'll
catch my ear; on a whole, though, the glitchy/minimal/newschool stuff
seems to me to be mostly homogenized garbage.

in that respect, most of the newschool jungle coming out in the last few
years has been homogenized garbage, too. hoover basslines are wonderful
when done correctly, same with vocal samples, but by themselves, neither
of those things do a good track automatically make. i'll still go
apesh't over a properly-stitched amen mashup, though.

anyways, here's my favorites from the jungle side of things :

older stuff :
lemon d - this is LA - metalheadz
everything from no-u-turn between 1996 and 1998. ;)
j majik - your sound - metalheadz
nasty habits - shadowboxing - 31
panacea - low profile darkness LP - position chrome (stormbringer!!!)

newer stuff :
dylan - retribution - biotic
doc scott - drumz 2000 - metalheadz
most of the stuff on n2o in the last couple years
dom+roland - thunder RMX - moving shadow
technical itch - viking - moving shadow
technical itch et al - killabite LP - techitch
klute - song seller - 31

a lot of the new technical itch records coming out REALLY disappoint me. same
with panacea and bad company. there's a trend going in jungle to embrace
a latin influence on a swing or jazzier tip for some reason, and most
everything produced with that influence has been mainstream dancefloor

i'm a big fan of UR's approach to music; this music is for a revolution
of thought, and revolutions don't often come from people sitting around
in black turtlenecks, stroking their chin stubble. revolution comes from
motivation, and motivation isn't found in pretentious complacency. ;)

--darkcube [ ethereal / subterrain / uberhax0r ]
--email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] / AOL IM : el8haqr
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