> Bush's political and militar acts are much more evil that 
> anything "Osama" could do. (and for the love of god, this 
> osama guy probably dont evenexist.. turn off you televisions)

Fascinating discussion topic I feel strongly about myself too, but definitely 
one OUT of the bounds of 313.   Please take this private or find a more 
suitable world politics / military issues list where these thoughts would be 
welcomed and discussed thoroughly by people who subbed to it *for that very 

I was hoping to see this thread slowly die off on it's own but I'm sorry I had 
to say something.  The problem is everyone wants to say on last thing about it 
and then say "back to the music" -- but be strong people and resist the urge. 
Or form your own group to discuss it and take tell others the URL or email 

PS - For comparison:  if Derrick May said that he can make your shirts whiter 
and brighter with Tide liquid detergent, that doesn't mean it therefore 
legitimizes an impassioned laundry care debate on 313.  :)  Let's use good 
judgment here. 

Matt MacQueen 

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