( January 24th 2003  19.00 o'clock -> )

Laws of Five:

Teemu P
+ records

This group of five divides into two and three. It finds its symmetry
with the number five in the number twenty-eight. Twenty-eight is also
the number of days of the average female menstruation cycle and the 
length of the moon's cycle. Numbers two and three form the number
twenty-three which is the number of chromosomes we receive from both
our parents.

James Joyce's novel 'Portrait of an Artist' has five chapters and
'Ulysseys' eighteen. Notice the symmetry with the number 
twenty-three. However, 'Finnegan's Wake' has only seventeen 
chapters. If we open the number seventeen, like we did with the
number twenty-three, we get the number eight. Two to the power
of three is eight. Symmetry is maintained.

Robert Heinlein begins the second chapter in his novel 'The Puppet
Master' with the words '23hours and 17minutes ago, a flying saucer
landed in Iowa..'

The symmetry doesn't end there. Eight times five is fourty; the
number of days Jesus spent in the desert, the number of Ali Baba's
thieves and the size of our solar system is approximately fourty
astronomical units.

In the year 1723 mr Adam Smith was born and the Anderson's 
Constitution for the Freemason's was published. In the year
1776 Adam Smith published his work 'The Wealth of Nations'
and the Bavarian Illuminati was born.

Welcome to tomorrow.


      "Metaprogram yourself."

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