> '23hours and 17minutes ago, a flying saucer landed in Iowa..'

> 17 year old in a 
> caravan full of hardcore Spiral boys preaching the significance of the number
> 23

on 1/24/03 10:14 AM, Jussi Lehtonen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> http://byrokratia.org/radio  ( January 24th 2003  19.00 o'clock -> )
> Laws of Five:
> Fax
> Nurpo
> Teemu P
> Virasto
> + records
> This group of five divides into two and three. It finds its symmetry
> with the number five in the number twenty-eight. Twenty-eight is also
> the number of days of the average female menstruation cycle and the
> length of the moon's cycle. Numbers two and three form the number
> twenty-three which is the number of chromosomes we receive from both
> our parents.
> James Joyce's novel 'Portrait of an Artist' has five chapters and
> 'Ulysseys' eighteen. Notice the symmetry with the number
> twenty-three. However, 'Finnegan's Wake' has only seventeen
> chapters. If we open the number seventeen, like we did with the
> number twenty-three, we get the number eight. Two to the power
> of three is eight. Symmetry is maintained.
> Robert Heinlein begins the second chapter in his novel 'The Puppet
> Master' with the words '23hours and 17minutes ago, a flying saucer
> landed in Iowa..'
> The symmetry doesn't end there. Eight times five is fourty; the
> number of days Jesus spent in the desert, the number of Ali Baba's
> thieves and the size of our solar system is approximately fourty
> astronomical units.
> In the year 1723 mr Adam Smith was born and the Anderson's
> Constitution for the Freemason's was published. In the year
> 1776 Adam Smith published his work 'The Wealth of Nations'
> and the Bavarian Illuminati was born.
> Welcome to tomorrow.
> --
> "Metaprogram yourself."


> Man, some of the Spiral and other traveller Parties back then were a bit hit
> and miss, but Castle Morton was certainly an experience. Just thinking about
> it brings back all sorts of memories. What was the name of the Spiral MC who
> used to MC with EasyGroove? He used to just make up make up dark and cheeky
> little rhymes all the time. The whole Spiral Crowd crowd had a certain dark
> sense of humour that really appealed to me around that time, but I started
> scratching beneath the surface and getting too deeply into it all and found it
> was all a bit too much for me. It took me over a year to get my head straight
> from one eventful Spiral party. Doing Liquid Ketamin as a 17 year old in a
> caravan full of hardcore Spiral boys preaching the significance of the number
> 23 and why I should embrace my paranoia wasn't the best idea I ever had!

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