from their website:

"The Dawn of Electro Empire

After a glorious period (more than 4 years) we've decided to stop the
Electro Empire community.
One of the main causes is the incredible price raise for webservices and
We didn't find a decent sponsor who was willing to pay the bills for
maintaining the website. As the EE community is constantly growing (almost
2 GigaByte of webspace) it was impossible to keep it free without any
Another cause was the time we've spent in EE. Many hours of design,
programming, scanning and uploading. It was definitly worth it, but with
the available time nowadays it's hard to do updates on a regular base, even
with all the help you guys gave.

I want to thank all of the members, producers, friends, contacts and labels
for all their support troughout the years. You all have created one big
family and sure we will all meet someday in the near future.

People already offered to takeover and continue Much
respect to them and good luck keeping this dream alive....
Only the forum will be online till Februari 15, 2003. After that it's up to
the 2nd generation of EE!!!

Electro Empire Team, 2003"

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