In soundforge you can divide up the large wav. file. I often do this for
my mixes. It is time consuming though. Its best to start from the end of
the file as it works faster. Find the very start of the last tune (or
wherever you want to index it) then highlight it from that point to the
end of the file. Then cut and paste to a new window. Keep doing this until
the entire mix is chopped up into separate windows. Then burn onto the CD
in the proper order... voila.

>   hi folks.  i apologize, in advance, for what may be considered by most
> an
> off topic post.  however, as most members have discovered...  you can get
> a
> great deal of answers to questions found outside the realm of the usual
> [313] discussions.  here goes...  i like to make mixes for listening in my
> car.  i use two turntables and a mixing board.  the end result is a large
> ..wav file that i can then burn to a CD.  my question is this;  is there a
> way, through some sound editing app such as sound forge6.0, to mark the
> .wav
> file w/ track time information?  i enjoy the experience of listening to a
> music mix as a whole, but sometimes it's nice to skip ahead to a
> particular
> tune.  i guess i desire the same setup as you would find in a mix CD
> bought
> from a store.
>   if anyone has any instructions, feel free to answer me off-list.  if you
> wish to share your knowledge w/ the rest of the list all the better.
> thanks
> in advance.
> peace,
> lrh


I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.

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