In case you have a Mac around, there is a nice shareware program called mixDesigner which does exactly what you want. index.php?page=30&sprache=english&site=mixdesigner

And if you don't have a Mac around, then maybe now is a good time to Switch ;)


On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 12:04 AM, Lee Herrington IV wrote:

hi folks. i apologize, in advance, for what may be considered by most an off topic post. however, as most members have discovered... you can get a
great deal of answers to questions found outside the realm of the usual
[313] discussions. here goes... i like to make mixes for listening in my car. i use two turntables and a mixing board. the end result is a large .wav file that i can then burn to a CD. my question is this; is there a way, through some sound editing app such as sound forge6.0, to mark the .wav file w/ track time information? i enjoy the experience of listening to a music mix as a whole, but sometimes it's nice to skip ahead to a particular tune. i guess i desire the same setup as you would find in a mix CD bought
from a store.

if anyone has any instructions, feel free to answer me off-list. if you wish to share your knowledge w/ the rest of the list all the better. thanks
in advance.


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