I wasn't aware that all british were pasty white or scum...I'm a kind of
pastel beige british floater, but I haven't pressed a bootleg yet, maybe
michael jackson should have tried that instead of forking out for plastic

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2003 8:36 a.m.
To: Jongsma, K.J.; 'rob'; Jongsma, K.J.
Cc: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) handbags

all of this "race is an issue" bullshxt is just that.  Race
is, and always will be as much of an issue as you make it.

I never even contemplated race and techno before I joined
this damn list.  its all music, who cares what color the
artist is. I can't tell the difference by listening to it,
so who cares.  

of course, I don't think detroit was the birthing place of
techno either, but thats just flamebait here (no replies
please :P)


Nice to see another private message pop-up on this list,
how nice of you....

look better next time will you!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 5:08 PM
> To: Jongsma, K.J.
> Cc: 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: RE: (313) handbags
> I'm sorry you feel this way KJ. Music is a sound and
> been seen, so
> hence has no colour.... you can like it or not.
> As for "Race is always an issue..." I don't know what
> you are? It
> makes no difference to me either.... it's what you've got
> say and do that
> interests me, not the colour of your skin.
> If you have a problem with colour then I can understand
> "race is always
> an issue" to you in your world, however, please don't
> the rest of us
> of being the same as you!
> It is however your right to voice your own opinion, I
> choose not to
> listen to it next time, as I feel you have been misguided
in life.
> I hope you have a nice day though :O)
> Peace.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 March 2003 15:36
> To: 'rob'
> Subject: RE: (313) handbags
> > I hope colour does not come into it again, music has no
> bullshit, music HAS colour, like it or not.
> Race is always an issue....
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