The statement links the bootleggers race with their actions.  Thus implying
that because they were pasty-white British they've gone and done something
as backstabbing as bootlegging a record, which fulfills the first listed
criteria in the given definition.

It was racist.

The little 'joke' about the war was also in EXTREMELY bad taste when people
are busy dieing fighting the current war.  I think it was probably this that
offended me more than the racist remark.

Whether it was KDJ himself personally that made the statement or not doesn't
matter in my mind.  The statement came from the group that represents KDJ.
If I made an offensive remark to a customer at work, that remark, however
personally felt, would reflect upon the whole company I work for and
ultimately the boss of the company.  It would be my boss that would have to
apologize to the customer (and probably sack me in the process).

> From the Merriam-Webster dictionary: (
> Main Entry: racism
> 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and
> capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of
> particular race
> 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
> Were KDJ's comments offensive? Definitely.
> Were they racist? No.
> By throwing the word racism around are carelessly as people are doing
> you're degrading its meaning. Then when the real deal comes along (say the
> KKK or the British National Party), labelling them racist doesn't sound
> nearly as horrible as it should and the word loses its proper use. Think
> about it.
> My final post in this thread, so feel free to have the last word,
> Otto

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