> I'm writing an article on him for Dusted Magazine 
> (dustedmagazine.com), if
> anyone feels like sending along any thoughts.

What just rabdom thoughts? :)

Or do you wanna know why he is the best? Maybe it is because Shake does what
Shake wants? :) This results in unique records who could only be made him? I
can't remember i have ever been disapointed in a new shake 12". Hans said
last saturday that actually every record from Shake sounds like a mini album
because of the wide range of tracks on it.

Now we are talking about an album: WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SEE A FULL LENGTH


> On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Kent williams wrote:
> > *reporters rush for the phones*
> >
> > Shake always manages to bring tears to my eyes.
> >
> > On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Grammenos, Peter wrote:
> > >
> > > this is the same exact reaction thomas brinkman had when he
> > > heard shake play... interesting. i'de love to hear him play.
> > >
> > > "but when he mixed in that ____ tune or that record from ____
> > > it actually made sense."
> > >
> > > -Pete
> > >
> >
> >


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