a 'report' from one of our operatives...

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Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 15:30:03 +0100

re; Shake

"Big thanks to the lads at T-Funkshun for hosting a great party on Friday
with Shake and Jonny McIntosh. They're the only ones doing it in the NW at
the minute, and I for one am grateful for that.

The music was great all night - unfortunately I can't do a report due to a
slight blackout. The last thing I remember is Jonny McIntosh dropping
"What's going on" and then going straight into 2 copies of the brown
Moodymann.... Nice....!

Shake was probably great. Except I can't remember a single thing, I think I
remember hearing the Clash too though......

and the last thing - apologies if you came into contact with me on Friday,
I was drunk. It had been a hard week........ and yes, that was me doing the
'bavarian folk dancing' on the stage. I, unfortunately remember that.

So, again, big thanks to the Liverpool 313 crew - I'll be over again (If
I'm not banned for life....)"


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