on 4/13/03 7:44 PM, Phonopsia at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> expect others to discuss it for you?
>> The concept I have in mind is a neutral party like the list administrator
>> would compile and post
>> a list of new 313 artist/ label releases up for discussion.
> Read: 'Someone please do my work for me'. This list isn't here so someone
> else can tell you what you should like - it's here so we can all find out
> what other likeminded people like. It is a forum, not a magazine. No one
> person is in a priviliged position to determine content. If you want a
> magazine go and buy one.

I don't see how posting a bi-weekly or monthly list of new music from
Detroit labels and artist
is telling people what they should like.
It only promotes more on-topic discussion.

> Besides that, your request is being filled weekly by Matt in his 'Clinically
> Inclined' playlists. His lists provide me with at least one solid
> recommendation/week, if not more, and this show was solely responsible for
> my introduction to Italo-disco. Watch/listen and learn about the past,
> present and future. First step in that process is recognizing that you don't
> already know everything.

Well no offense to Matt if he is the administrator but he doesn't cover a
good portion of the
*NEW* "313" records being released.

> Please tell us what you're so upset about!!! What are we neglecting to
> mention that *you* know about? Why don't you include yourself in this forum
> and contribute information about the artists you feel are neglected rather
> than sitting on the sidelines, berating us for being cliquy? No one asked
> you to join this list and bitch about how you don't fit. Either contribute
> what you know or shut the f*ck up and take what's relevant to you.

there are a lot of people like me who are not/ or no longer vinyl junkies
and really don't follow
what is being released.
Instead of buying all the Red Planet records we may just buy the CD
compilation, or Juan
Atkins new album instead buying the singles, or the occasional really cool
record that comes 
Think how much money labels lose because they are not connecting to this
audience, a lot 
people just don't know about their music.

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