well well well....

heres a quick overview of what you missed:

insane set by baseck.  very aggressive.


before his set, joints at distributed to the audience.  doormouse comes out
and gets high with the audience and the audience continues to smoke the
supplied joints while he sets up his gear.

he begins by playing his remix of "War pigs" and pulls his shirt off to
reveal the chearleader costume.  then in the next hour, he punches someone
with one of stewart walkers "no laptop techno" shirts in the face, flashes
his penis at the audience, pulls out pubes and throws them at baseck, and
chases people in the audience around and tries to throw up on them.  he
eventually got someone.  I didnt stay all the way through his set because it
there was no interaction between himself and the music, just him going crazy
and scaring the audience :)

all in all, a good night :)


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