there is definately come money to be made, technological hurdles aside.


----- Original Message -----
From: "sr thinkbox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: (313) Here we go....

> I think this is a good idea too:
> Record labels offer a catalogue of mp3s. You can buy a batch of mp3 tracks
> which would be offered on their web site for sale. The label would then
> compile all requested mp3s on one cd which would make it easy to transfer
> Final Scratch, DJ software (for non-vinyl guys and gals), or any other
> computer jukebox. (kind of like Beastie Boys offered a few years back on
> I'd be interested in paying $50 for 20 songs from my favourite labels
> instead of $10 - $15 for 3 or 4 tracks on vinyl 12" (and there may only be
> track I really care for on the 12").
> Steve Roy
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