I've heard him play a DJ set several times, when he plays house he is
f**king amazing. Last years set at the DEMF was realy smooth. Loved it a
lot, sunny weather & sexy house music.. yummie! I am not the biggest fun of
the techno sets i heard himplay, i bit boring IMHO. I love his old techno
tracks on that dream sequence album though


> How is Blake Baxter as a DJ?  I've only heard one vinyl of 
> his, which was
> brilliant, it was a double set with a guy with a gun on the 
> cover I think,
> the tunes reminded me of DJ Rush, but less harsh, and some interesting
> motown sounding samples.  Oh and the track he did with Trevor 
> Rockliffe I
> really like too.  Anyone got any other recommendations / 
> experiences re:
> Blake Baxter?


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