On Thu, 15 May 2003 13:10:30 +0100, "Brendan Nelson"
> The only thing that annoys me about this excellent mix from Bone is that
> he mixes out of Flash at the same point almost every other DJ does -
> namely, right before the best bit of the entire track! Whenever I hear
> that segment where the phasing on the beat starts to slowly rise
> upwards, I stare at whatever DJ is playing, thinking "don't mix out,
> don't mix out, don't mix out...!". But they invariably do! And the
> *rudest* part of the track is cut. It's sort of like that with Star
> Dancer a bit as well - the most popular part of the track for mixing out
> is typically right before my favourite bit of the track (the bit where
> the wheeling synth line comes in, just after halfway through the track).

Perhaps his favourite part isn't the part that is your favourite!  

Talk about picky! Hands down it's a f**king sweet mix.


Benn Glazier

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