Indeed, Detroit cops' behaviour towards Detroiters (or out-of-town guests) isn't exactly exemplary.

IIRC, in 2001, there were nearly a dozen unarmed civilians shot dead by Detroit cops in situations where the use of lethal force was certainly questionable. (Can you count holding a rake as "being armed"?)

Don't judge Detroit by the opinions or behaviours of its police officers, judges, elected officials, bankers, insurance agents, pawn shop owners, etc. etc. In short, parts of the establishment that are meant to be enforcers of one sort or another aren't usually known for their forward-thinking ideals or behaviour. Much of the real spirit of Detroit exists in a tense relationship with these enforcers, who for instance don't like people hanging out on their front porches with friends late on summer evenings. To cops and judges, we're all potential perpetrators. In a similar vein, and more on topic, the independently-organized events that made house and techno viable in Detroit weren't exactly the kinds of events that cops endorsed either, though it was back in the day before the media scare about raves, ecstasy, etc.

As for the future of the DEMF->now->Movement festival, if the most regressive elements of the police force had their way, *both* the Downtown Hoedown and the African American World Fest would have been shut down in their second years. Thankfully, the police aren't in charge of scheduling Hart Plaza.

My .02, of course.

At 9:34 PM -0400 5/28/03, Sheralyn wrote:
So many posts about party's being busted by the cops. To you out of towners I'm offering a Detroiters apology for our "wonderful police department". What can I say they are cops, some of them are not known for using all their mental faculties when they should :). Just a little joke to anyone in law enforcement.

As a native Detroiter the police behavior makes no sense to me. How often does Detroit have loads of international visitors as well as folks from other states. Maybe during the auto show and then most of the international vistors are media or car executives from non USA car companies. Not nearly as many people as for the DEMF/Movement.

SO here we have this great festival that has already been reported to be behind the 8 ball money wise, the organizers have put up their own money pulled a rabbit out of their hat and made it happen. And what do the Detroit police think, "oh yeah lets go harrass folks so this can never happen again.

GO figure.

As far as conspiracy theories for the cops actions go I offer this. Kwame Kilpatrick, our hip-hop party mayor has been in big time hot water the last few weeks. Each day the local paper has a new article about alleged bad behavior on the part of the mayor or his security detail. Much of it may be untrue, but my grandmother always said "where there's smoke there'e gotta be at least a small fire". In any case, the mayor is being closely scrutinized by the media and all his actions are being watched. Kwame is usually the first one dancing and sweating it up at local party's and clubs according to the grape vine, with his problems of late I'm sure he had to lay low for "Movement". Maybe he is one of those people that don't think anyone else should have fun if he can't so he sent the cops out to bust up everyone else's fun.


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