So many posts about party's being busted by the cops.  

To you out of towners I'm offering a Detroiters apology for our "wonderful 
police department".  What can I say they are cops, some of them are not known 
for using all their mental faculties when they should :).  Just a little joke 
to anyone in law enforcement.

As a native Detroiter the police behavior makes no sense to me.  How often does 
Detroit have loads of international visitors as well as folks from other 
states.  Maybe during the auto show and then most of the international vistors 
are media or car executives from non USA car companies.  Not nearly as many 
people as for the DEMF/Movement.

SO here we have this great festival that has already been reported to be behind 
the 8 ball money wise, the organizers have put up their own money pulled a 
rabbit out of their hat and made it happen.  And what do the Detroit police 
think, "oh yeah lets go harrass folks so this can never happen again.

GO figure.

As far as conspiracy theories for the cops actions go I offer this.  Kwame 
Kilpatrick, our hip-hop party mayor has been in big time hot water the last few 
weeks.  Each day the local paper has a new article about alleged bad behavior 
on the part of the mayor or his security detail.  Much of it may be untrue, but 
my grandmother always said "where there's smoke there'e gotta be at least a 
small fire".  In any case, the mayor is being closely scrutinized by the media 
and all his actions are being watched. Kwame is usually the first one dancing 
and sweating it up at local party's and clubs according to the grape vine, with 
his problems of late I'm sure he had to lay low for "Movement".  
Maybe he is one of those people that don't think anyone else should have fun if 
he can't so he sent the cops out to bust up everyone else's fun. 


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