> Sounds great! How far did you get with this? I'm sure many 
> listmembers would love this idea?!

Basically I proved it was easily do-able on a p2-400, the software would
require some more work if it was to get near comemrical type usability [in
terms of writing a a full set of filters and I'd probs like to do a C++ OOP
re-write of the code as I did it originally in straight C].

Also an actual midi mixer box would have to be made - I proved the point
with a generic pure-midi keyboard but I did some research and I don't think
making the midi box would be that hard! 

If anyone has time/skills to help out I'd probs be quite tempted to get this
project on the go again as Ive not really fiddled with it since I finished
my degree.


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